Maine Camp Outfitters
Custom catalogs for camp directors

Full-Service Program for Camp Directors

Youth camp industry specialists
We provide a full-range of custom imprinted apparel and gear, screen-printing, embroidery, and an extensive line of promotional products.

Customized clothing programs

Programs fit to your camp's needs
From direct sales to your camp, to a complete custom catalog and order fulfillment program with a custom online store linked from your website, providing convenient shopping for your campers, their parents, and your staff.

Complete selection and customization

We handle all product photography, setup, and printing
We will take all of your orders, by phone, fax, or online, produce the garments and other products, and ship the finished goods to your customers. A true "Start-to-Finish" service!

Excellence and service

A reputation for excellence
You can feel comfortable knowing your campers and staff will receive only high-quality, durable products when shopping our catalog. And you can relax knowing that order fulfillment will be taken care of by our friendly and personal customer service.

Camp partners

We offer an excellent incentive program designed to increase profits to camps who associate with MCO. Your camp's traditions are important to us: we will work closely with you and your staff to insure satisfaction.

Please contact us so that we can help you and your campers have a happy camp-outfitting experience. 800-560-6091.


What our customers say...

As you promised. the sweatshirts arrived today.......AWESOME! Thank you so much for your help and patience with our orders."

-- Nancy Olson

Camp Wa-Klo for Girls has been working with Maine Camp Outfitters for a long time. Other companies have tried to get our business, but we would never leave the personal touch and dependable service that we receive from Maine Camp Outfitters!"

-- Susan Chenet
Assistant Director

Thanks for all your help. I really like the new catalog layout. I think it looks great!"

-- Michael Mattson
Birch Rock Camp

The bottles arrived today and look great-thanks so much for the awesome service!"

-- Bill Southwick
Dexter & Southfield School


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